Agoston Tamas - Principal
Agoston Tamas was admitted as a Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 2006. He holds a Master of Laws Degree, a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, and a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Agoston Tamas is an Immigration Lawyer (LPN 5511261), initially registered as a Migration Agent in January 2011.
Agoston Tamas is also a Canadian Immigration Consultant, registered with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (R507054).
In 2016, Agoston Tamas was conferred a Certificate of Qualification by the National Committee on Accreditation, a standing committee of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.
Agoston Tamas also completed a Master of Music Degree at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of Queensland LL.M., Grad. Dip. Leg. Prac., LL.B. (QUT), Cert. of Qual. (NCA), LPN 5511261, R507054
As a Lawyer in Australia
Agoston Tamas has worked with law firms in Victoria and Queensland, including in the areas of immigration law, family law, trade marks, criminal law, wills and estates, corporate law, and commercial litigation. Moreover, Tamas served as a volunteer lawyer for some years with Caxton Legal Centre in Brisbane, Australia.
As an Immigration Lawyer, Tamas has assisted clients with a range of permanent and temporary visas, with hundreds of approved visas. He also prepared Ministerial Intervention applications and represented clients with more complex immigration matters before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, achieving a near-perfect record of successful appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Tamas’ professional affiliations include membership of CAPIC-ACCPI, Canada, and Migration Institute of Australia.